Remote Learning Environmental Review

Remote Learning Environmental Review

For 2021, we have created a new, temporary Remote Learning Environmental Review. We have decided to do this to make the Environmental Review more accessible and easier to complete whilst working from home. Our new Environmental Review is printer-friendly and can even be completed digitally using Microsoft Word. It also has simplified questions, for each of the Eco-Schools Ten Topics, that can be answered even when pupils are not in school, or their movements are restricted to their bubble.

If possible, continue to use the original Environmental Review differentiated for Early Years, Primary and Secondary Schools/Colleges, which can still be found on the Step 2: Environmental Review sections of the website. If it is not possible to use the original Environmental Reviews, please feel free to use our new Remote Learning Environmental Review, which can also be used as evidence towards an Eco-Schools Green Flag.

The Eco-Schools home-offices will be closed during half-term as we prepare more #EcoSchoolsAtHome resources, which we look forward to sharing in the coming weeks! Happy half-term!